Family Crest Coat of Arms – Family Name History, Coats of Arms & Shields

ImageFamily comes first is always a motto that I have lived by ever since being a child.  My family has always stressed the importance that the family has.  We have always been a close tight knit group and I loved it.  As a child I loved hearing stories about my families past.  Everything from the risky endeavors that turned out to be great or the hardships that plagued our family and set us back for years.  One day after a family reunion I was thinking about all of the stories I heard and how important my family is to me, at this point I realized exactly what I needed to do and that was the purchase my very own families shield or crest.  It was the best decision I’ve made.  I went to Unique Family Shield and Crest Gifts and found amazing handmade canvases from North Carolina.  These shields and crests were absolute works of art and I coveted them since they arrived.  I purchased one of the hand painted masterpieces from my mother and automatically saw the smile that sprouted from her face.  It was the best gift I think I could’ve ever given her.  Now whenever my family has friends over I get asked about my shield and crest, with eager glee I run off stories of triumphs that my family has seen.  Recently I was overjoyed as these works of art helped spark my child’s interest into the family history.  With many different stretched canvas paintings for sale I was able to buy even more art related to our ancestry for him to enjoyUnique Family Shield and Crest Gifts is one of the best websites I have ever found and am extremely grateful that now I can fully display the pride I have for my family.

Symbols on Coats of Arms and Family Crests


I have always had a great interest in the history of my family and continue to this day take pride in everything my ancestors have done to put me into the position that I’m in today.  I wanted to figure out a way to display the pride I have in my family.  I have plenty of different things passed down throughout the generations and many different photographs’ ranging back many decades.  Even with this entire memorabilia, I still felt as though I was lacking when it came to fully displaying my pride for my family.  Luckily I found unique family shield and Crest Gifts, which had the perfect solution to my dilemma.  There are many different handmade Canvas’s made in North Carolina were perfect for displaying my family’s shield.  I had always admired the shield and crest that has represented my family for many centuries, but I’ve never thought of purchasing art to reflect my shield and crest.  This by far was one of the best decisions I have made.  Their hand painted masterpieces made my families’ shield absolutely flawless.  I was so proud when I received my first shield and showed my children.  Their eyes lit up when they saw this divinely crafted masterpiece and immediately began asking me questions about our families past.  With many different stretched painting canvas’s for sale I have many options of how I want my shield and crest to be displayed to children, and anyone else that lays their eyes upon the physical representation of my family.  I take great pride in each and every one of the masterpieces that represents all of the hardships and triumph’s that my family has faced. 

Family Crest Coat of Arms – Family Name History, Coats of Arms & Shields


It has been said that the only people a person can trust in their life is their family because friends come and go but family is supposed to be forever. This is seen to be true because a family can always see each others’ flaws and yet they never stop loving each other. Since family is so important in life, it is equally as important to show each other how much you love them.

          A great way to show your family that you love them is by always taking on responsibilities that could help your parents relax a little bit more. Doing chores around the house can not only help your family, but it can also make them feel appreciated? Another way to show them that you love them is by being kind and never talking back. Talking back to your parents, even though most kids do it, should be avoided because parents do so much for their kids that we don’t usually notice.

          However, there are also better ways to show your parents that you love them. One way is to buy them little presents every now and then to show them that you love and care about them. One of the best presents to buy is a family name coat of arms from a textile heritage collection or American heritage collection. These coat of arms family businesses can assist anyone with finding a perfect present that will not only make your parents happy but that can also carry on the legacy of the family name through beautiful objects such as family rings and warrior shields.

          Many families will place these certain objects throughout the house as a piece of decoration or just as a memorabilia. This way, whenever they have guests come over for a party or just for dinner, the family name will be proudly assembled in the house. Family rings also make great presents for the family because they can be engraved with the family name and it can be worn every day. When someone has a child, it can be passed down to them and the ring can stay within the family forever. Years down the line, this is a great legacy to have. It is an amazing thing to see a family ring that has been passed down and worn for generations because from then on, it seems as if it is more than just a ring, but a story of the family itself.

          Family, regardless of who you are, will always love you. Family is the one thing that you can count on forever no matter what mistakes you make. Family is something that you should always be proud of. That is why it is always important to show them how much they mean to you and how much you love them. Family name coats of arms, textile heritage collection and American heritage collections such as family rings are always a great way to show them.

Symbols on Coats of Arms and Family Crests






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All of my life, I have been extremely close to my family. We would usually spend every Saturday together watching movies or going out to dinner. However, when I turned 18 and graduated from high school, my mom was upset to find out that I had planned on going to a college that was three hours away from my home. She clearly didn’t want me to go so far away because she said she would miss me too much but she also knew that it was the best thing for me to do. She came into my room many times in the morning before I woke up and would cry telling me how much she would miss me. This made sad of course, but I also knew that I had to go off to college to pursue my dreams.


          For my graduation party, I only invited my closest friends and my family. It was a great day that was spent saying goodbye to my friends and family. At the end of the party, my parents came out with some presents for me that included money for gas in case I ever wanted to come drive home, gift cards to my favorite stores to buy a new wardrobe for college, and a brand new laptop that I had wanted for years. I was so caught off guard by all of these wonderful presents that I knew I had to do something for them in return. My parents aren’t one to like materialistic items unless they have sentimental value to them, so I started looking for things that would mean a lot to them.


          I went on the internet and started looking for meaningful presents. That’s when I came across Shield and Crest which is a family name coat of arms business that also specializes in textile heritage collection and American heritage collection. I started looking around their website and I knew that my family would really appreciate one of these presents. I debated on getting those rings or a warrior shield to put on the wall to symbolize that we could make it through anything as a family.


          In the end, I decided to get them all rings that would have our last name engraved onto it. I thought that this would be a great way to symbolize the togetherness and pride of our family as one. When I received the orders, I was so happy with the way that they had turned out because they were all beautiful. I gave my family the rings and when they opened it, they were so moved that they actually teared up! They put on the rings right away and said that they would never take it off. If anyone is looking for a beautiful gift for the family, family rings from Shield and Crest are a great way to show your family you care. Shield and Crest is a family name coat of arms business that specialize in textile heritage collection and American heritage collection that you can trust.






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All of my life, I have been extremely close to my family. We would usually spend every Saturday together watching movies or going out to dinner. However, when I turned 18 and graduated from high school, my mom was upset to find out that I had planned on going to a college that was three hours away from my home. She clearly didn’t want me to go so far away because she said she would miss me too much but she also knew that it was the best thing for me to do. She came into my room many times in the morning before I woke up and would cry telling me how much she would miss me. This made sad of course, but I also knew that I had to go off to college to pursue my dreams.

          For my graduation party, I only invited my closest friends and my family. It was a great day that was spent saying goodbye to my friends and family. At the end of the party, my parents came out with some presents for me that included money for gas in case I ever wanted to come drive home, gift cards to my favorite stores to buy a new wardrobe for college, and a brand new laptop that I had wanted for years. I was so caught off guard by all of these wonderful presents that I knew I had to do something for them in return. My parents aren’t one to like materialistic items unless they have sentimental value to them, so I started looking for things that would mean a lot to them.

          I went on the internet and started looking for meaningful presents. That’s when I came across Shield and Crest which is a family name coat of arms business that also specializes in textile heritage collection and American heritage collection. I started looking around their website and I knew that my family would really appreciate one of these presents. I debated on getting those rings or a warrior shield to put on the wall to symbolize that we could make it through anything as a family.

          In the end, I decided to get them all rings that would have our last name engraved onto it. I thought that this would be a great way to symbolize the togetherness and pride of our family as one. When I received the orders, I was so happy with the way that they had turned out because they were all beautiful. I gave my family the rings and when they opened it, they were so moved that they actually teared up! They put on the rings right away and said that they would never take it off. If anyone is looking for a beautiful gift for the family, family rings from Shield and Crest are a great way to show your family you care. Shield and Crest is a family name coat of arms business that specialize in textile heritage collection and American heritage collection that you can trust.

A New House with Family Heirlooms


I’ve lived in the same house ever since I was seven years old up until the age of 17. I became quite accustomed to my house that my family shared, even if it was a little bit small. As a family of five, we had to squeeze ourselves into three bedrooms and only one bathroom; however, because we had lived in that house for so long, we grew to love it and care for it. When I turned 17, my parents realized that since some of us had been sharing bedrooms, we were growing too much to the point that we needed more room and more space for privacy. Because of this, my parents began to look at new houses for us to live in.           

            After a few months of searching and unsuccessfully finding a new house, we finally found the right house. It was about 25 minutes away from the house that we had previously lived in and it was in a good location near the hospital, famous restaurants and grocery stores. When we went inside, we knew that it would take some work to make it completely comfortable and feel like our new home but we didn’t complain: we had found a great big house that we knew we could grow to love. We lived in it for a few months and during those months, we painted the walls, put in new furniture and also put up family heirlooms.

            One night, while I was asleep, I was awakened by a loud noise outside. I immediately looked out my window and saw that a driver had driven into our mailbox and knocked it off. The driver, scared by the trouble they may have gotten into, drove away quickly. I woke up my parents and they decided it was time for a new mailbox anyways as the other one had been very old. The next day, we went to the store to look for a new mailbox but none of them seemed to fit the theme of our house. I started looking online for a new mailbox and I came across Shield and Crest, a family name coat of arms business that also specialized in textile heritage collection and American heritage collections. What really caught my attention was the Mailbox Coat-of-Arms that could be made with our family name. I showed it to my parents and they got extremely excited because this was the perfect mailbox for our home.

            We ordered one with our last name and ended up receiving the finished product a few weeks later. When we received it, we were very pleased with the results. The design on the mailbox was perfect and the name was written beautifully. We proudly placed it outside and made sure that no driver could knock it down accidentally. If anyone is looking to replace their mailbox, Shield and Crest is a family name coat of arms business that specializes in textile heritage collections and American heritage collections that have great mailboxes!

Coat of Arms and Surname History

I was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil and I lived there until I was seven years old. While I was there, I was so young that I really don’t remember much of it when I think about it. However, what I do remember is going to my grandparents’ house on my dad’s side and playing in their front yard with my other cousins. We would always play hide and seek, tag and other fun games that young kids usually enjoy. This time in my life, though I know I don’t remember much was definitely the best time of my life because it was fun and carefree. I never had to worry about anything and I never had any real responsibilities to take care of. My grandparents’ front lawn was the perfect place to play because it was extremely large and it was so complex with flowers and bushes and trees that it made a perfect place to play hide and seek. As I grew older I realized that I never met my grandpa because he had passed away long before I could form any memories of him.
Now I am in college, and a few months back I was having some trouble with keeping up in school. I had a lot of stress on my shoulders and I had no idea how to deal with it. My dad then opened up about his dad and told me how much stress he had on his shoulders back when he was alive. When my dad was young boy, he lived in a small house with bamboo walls and dirt floors. They had no television and no radios: they only had food and water to survive. My grandpa decided to work extra hard to give his family the best place to live and within a few years, he had made enough money to build an entirely new home which became the home that I enjoyed playing in so much.
I was so inspired by this story that I decided to do something in honor of him. My dad didn’t want me to get a tattoo of our last name in honor of him; so instead, I wanted to get a family ring. I went online to research different family rings that could be engraved and I found Shield and Crest online. I ordered their Ladies Sterling Silver Ring and had it engraved with my last name that was shared with the grandpa I never met. Shield and crest was a family name coat of arms business that specialized in textile heritage collection and American heritage collection. When I received the ring, I realized it was worth every penny. I wear it every single day to show how proud I am of my family. If anyone is looking to do the same, Shield and Crest is a great family name coat of arms business that also specializes in textile heritage collection and American heritage collection.

Research on Shield and Crest

Shield And Crest research is better because…..

I was only thirteen when I read my first heraldry book, it was called “Shield And Crest” and it opened up an entire world of amazing history and legend. My heraldry research continues today, the subject constantly presents objects and stories hitherto unknown.Image When I began my heraldic artist life I was presented with vast forms of written stuff that appeared senseless at the time. For example, the coat of arms (family crest) for Diez, from Paramo, is recorded in the reference book “Repertorio de Blasones de la Comunidad Hispanica” is the usual written form “ En sinople, cinco fajas ondeadas de plata, resaltadas todas ellas de una espada de oro puesta en banda”. It’s a fairly simple coat of arms (family crest) consisting of a green shield with five fesses ( horizontal stripes) in silver (white) and on top of these we have a gold (yellow) sword placed with it’s point in the top left part of the shield, and it’s hilt in the bottom right.

Most people expect to find a reference book with a nice illustration of the coat of arms (family crest) but these are not the usual way that arms are recorded. While the wording may appear odd to those who have not studied the language of blazonry, it is, in fact, the perfect way to record a coat of arms (family crest) as it is very exact in the placement and colors used in each arms. ImageThe research work is further complicated by the use of different European languages in reference works from each country. The ability to reproduce EXACTLY what is written is paramount in heraldry.

There isn’t a day in our work at www.shieldandcrest that we don’t come across an error in some image found online by a customer who wanted “that” arms because he or she saw it on their computer and assumed it was the correct one. ImageWe always encourage potential customers to give us as much information as they can so we can locate the coat of arms (family crest) most appropriate. Call us anytime at Toll-Free (866) 289-2798 or e-mail us at  we have the experience, and the reference books, to get the job done right.

Italian Coats Of Arms (Family Crest)

The earliest surviving example of a family coat of arms (family crest) in Italy is a carving on a stone tomb in the Church of Aracoeli in Rome dating to 1213. The arm is, however, believed to be of Norman origin. The Italian family Colonna can date their arms to Vatican archives of 1290

.Image The arms feature a Roman column, a pun on the name itself. This is known as “canting arms” and while it occurs in coats of arms from every European country, the Italian usage of canting became widespread in the middle ages. A mural in the city of Milan, painted in 1341, shows the arms of the Visconti of Milan, one of the most famous, and striking,  of all the Italian family crests. The shield depicts a crowned serpent, on a white background, devouring a man.

At we research Italian coats of arms (family crests) in Dizionario Storico Blasonico, a reference work compiled by G.B. Di Crollalanza. 

The arms, as usual in reference books, are in strict written form, and in the Italian Imagelanguage. Here is an example. “D’azzurro, a tre stele di otto raggi d’oro; col capo di rosso caricato di un giglio d’oro” It’s a blue shield with three eight pointed gold stars, with a red stripe across the top with a gold lily ( Actually a fleur de lys) Our expert knowledge of both Italian, and the more complex language of heraldry, take the written form and translate it into a hand-painted work of art for you to treasure for decades to come. If you need more information on this, or any other heraldry subject, contact us Toll Free (866) 289-2798 or at