Coat of Arms and Surname History

I was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil and I lived there until I was seven years old. While I was there, I was so young that I really don’t remember much of it when I think about it. However, what I do remember is going to my grandparents’ house on my dad’s side and playing in their front yard with my other cousins. We would always play hide and seek, tag and other fun games that young kids usually enjoy. This time in my life, though I know I don’t remember much was definitely the best time of my life because it was fun and carefree. I never had to worry about anything and I never had any real responsibilities to take care of. My grandparents’ front lawn was the perfect place to play because it was extremely large and it was so complex with flowers and bushes and trees that it made a perfect place to play hide and seek. As I grew older I realized that I never met my grandpa because he had passed away long before I could form any memories of him.
Now I am in college, and a few months back I was having some trouble with keeping up in school. I had a lot of stress on my shoulders and I had no idea how to deal with it. My dad then opened up about his dad and told me how much stress he had on his shoulders back when he was alive. When my dad was young boy, he lived in a small house with bamboo walls and dirt floors. They had no television and no radios: they only had food and water to survive. My grandpa decided to work extra hard to give his family the best place to live and within a few years, he had made enough money to build an entirely new home which became the home that I enjoyed playing in so much.
I was so inspired by this story that I decided to do something in honor of him. My dad didn’t want me to get a tattoo of our last name in honor of him; so instead, I wanted to get a family ring. I went online to research different family rings that could be engraved and I found Shield and Crest online. I ordered their Ladies Sterling Silver Ring and had it engraved with my last name that was shared with the grandpa I never met. Shield and crest was a family name coat of arms business that specialized in textile heritage collection and American heritage collection. When I received the ring, I realized it was worth every penny. I wear it every single day to show how proud I am of my family. If anyone is looking to do the same, Shield and Crest is a great family name coat of arms business that also specializes in textile heritage collection and American heritage collection.